On a normal basis, gambling is an activity which is done for leisure purposes. However, it has become an unhealthy activity which has transcended to an addiction process. The experience of winning and losing are similar to the effects which comes with the accompanying effects which the chemical substances in the brain gives.
Due to the fact that gamblers love to win, you will find them staying at the table for a long period of time because they want to achieve their aim. Hence, they become obsessed with their intent, and they would want to regain all they have lost.
Below are four signs to watch out as regards gambling addiction:
- Being unable to stop: Addiction is the same, no matter the substance or the act, and one constant feature is being unable to stop. This happens because you have gone beyond loving the activity, you have become obsessed with it, and it gets difficult for you to quit.
Professional gamblers and poker players know the right time to leave the table. However, gambling addicts do not. They lose control over the amount of money and time they spend when they place bets.
- You exhaust your account: Healthy gambling involves being fully cognizant of how much is left in your account before you stop. However, when it comes to gambling, addicts will continue to wager their money till their account is dry. As a matter of fact, some of them can go to the extent of borrowing money to continue, and they run into serious debts.
Gambling addicts only stop when they are forced to, and they have no source to borrow from.
- You lie or keep secrets: If you are not proud of informing your loved ones that you want to place bet, then gambling addiction is in motion. When you gamble for fun with money, it does not present a problem informing those close to you, because there is nothing to be ashamed of.
- You deny your addiction: If your family or friends suggest that you need help from your obsession to gambling, and you deny this fact, then there are strong chances that you are addicted. The first step in addiction recovery is coming to terms with the fact that you are addicted, and when you deny this, it implies that you are powerless to quit your addictive habit.